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chengdu aircraft industry group中文是什么意思

用"chengdu aircraft industry group"造句"chengdu aircraft industry group"怎么读"chengdu aircraft industry group" in a sentence


  • 成都飞机公司
  • 成都公司


  • On april 2002 , we produce 2540 pieces lateral plane models " erj - 145 " for chengdu aircraft industry group . this plane was joint venture by harbin aircraft industry group and embraer s . a , production of anbowei plane industrial company , it will fly first in harbin on december 2003
    2002年4月为成飞公司生产erj - 145支线飞机模型2540架,该机型是中航第二集团哈飞公司与巴西航空工业合资,安博威飞机工业公司生产预计2003年12月在哈尔滨平房机场首飞
  • On april 2002 , we produce 2540 pieces lateral plane models " erj - 145 " for chengdu aircraft industry group . this plane was joint venture by harbin aircraft industry group and embraer s . a , production of anbowei plane industrial company , it will fly first in harbin on december 2003
    2002年4月为成飞公司生产erj - 145支线飞机模型2540架,该机型是中航第二集团哈飞公司与巴西航空工业合资,安博威飞机工业公司生产;预计2003年12月在哈尔滨平房机场首飞;
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